Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Waiting Game...

I have no idea if anyone is even reading this but I have learned that writing is a great therapy for me.   Now if only I could strike a book deal or something then all my countless minutes would pay off :)  I am considering stalking celebrities and giving Perez Hilton a run for his money but then I remember I now live in Plain City, Ohio (incase you have never been to Plain City OH they didn't make a mistake when they named it).  I must say though that I am so happy to have a sense of home.  Life in the NFL is one of many things but stability is not one of them.  At any given phone call you can be uprooted and transplanted someplace else (or you can wake up and read about how your husband lost his job in the paper and then proceed to move).  Someone our first year told me to always keep a bag packed.  At the time I thought how silly, after year three I always had two bags packed :)
This season before Mike was even injured we had decided I would stay in Ohio with the kids.   Makayla is starting first grade (not sure if first grade is ready for her but she is ready for it) and she needs some sort of stability.  And the major bonus for me is my parents are next door.  I can say with 100% satisfaction that I am certain I was meant to live next door to my parents (I would choose in the same house but my dad only watches Andy Griffith and I think that would drive us all crazy).   So anyways, this year for me was going to be all about FAMILY.  Little did I imagine Mike would get injured and then find out today that he can not play football anymore.  I have now realized it's not by chance we made the decision to keep me and the kids in Ohio.   As we prayed about it and prayed for a clear answer, God gave us one.  Always listen to those answers, even when they are not what you want.

You Shall eat the fruit of the labour of your hands; you shall be happy, and it shall go well with you.
Psalm 128:2

So today, tomorrow, whenever you can, pray for Mike :)   Whenever someone else makes decisions for us, they are harder to swallow than if we decided on our own.


  1. Trisha and I have your blog saved in our favorites on our computer. So yes someone is always reading. I will keep Mike in my prayers. I know God is with you all and has you all close to his heart. Nicole FRO

  2. Ohhhhhhhhh.....I'm so sorry, Koren. I can only imagine how difficult this has been for the two of you. I'm so glad that with God's direction, you kept your beautiful home in Ohio. God knew......

    Please know that you have been and will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Huge ((((hugs))) from Iowa,
