Monday, August 9, 2010

When you can't sleep, well you can sleep but your kids can't...

So this is day three of hotel living for us.   Mike, my husband, is in training camp for the Washington Redskins.   Last week he got hit hard enough to give him his 5th concussion (2nd bad one in two years).  It was very scary for a bit-he was throwing up repeatedly and was very sick.   They have that part of it under control now but he is still having horrible headaches.   Makes me wonder why I LOVE this sport so much but I do and I will continue to LOVE it, I just might cringe next time my husband goes across the middle.   The jury is still out on if I will let Stone and Kanon play someday (I am sure I will but right now I am totally against it)-I am hoping for now they aspire to play tennis or maybe bocci ball but nothing contact.   So we, well wait, (there was no we it was totally an I) loaded up our kids, 1 of our dogs and my mom to drive to VA to be with Mike.  After 6 hours and 45 minutes of pure bliss (how much longer, change the movie, we already watched that movie, it's my turn to pick the movie, when are we eating, why do I never get to buy toys at the gas station) we arrived at our hotel.  Since then it has seemed as if the hotel gets smaller everyday, the front desk has assured me it's the same size as when we checked in but I swear the walls are moving inward.   Last night the room below us called the Front Desk to complain about us-it was shocking since the boys were jumping up and down non-stop and Makayla was putting on a concert with her best Jonas LA voice.   This morning Kanon wanted to get up at 5:45 and hang-out.   Now as I type this is the exact conversation I hear "You stink" Stone yells, "NO you stink," Makayla says, "Butt" Stone says to which Makayla gives her best "Mom Stone said BUT"
And this is how I get to Daniel 4:36

At the same time that my sanity was restored, my honor and splendor were returned to me for the glory of my kingdom. My advisers and nobles sought me out, and I was restored to my throne and became even greater than before.

Now if only my advisers and nobles would find me :)   


  1. Hey, Girl~
    This is the same background I have on my family's blog! I've been keeping one for almost 4 years since our family is spread all over the country. It's a great way to record memories for your family and allow them to join in the adventure. Enjoy and great job!!!
    Lori Richardson Wilson

  2. Great blog...glad I'm not the only one who feels like I'm going crazy these days. Sometimes I feel like I'm running a small daycare out of my home. You should come to my house someday and let your kids run wild around here. I have a huge playscape and a playroom. Let me know! Also, praying for Mike. I hate concussions, they really scare me.
